Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Online Ads

If only we could see the Black Friday ads before Thanksgiving. Ah, but we can!!

You can see the deals the stores are offering all in one place... right now! No need to wait! It's a website that does the work for you. It's

The Patriot News is hard at work - printing up *54* ad inserts for the Thanskgiving morning edition. Altogether, the paper will weigh 4 pounds when it's done!

"It is truly the largest paper of the year - we're at 80 pages - just in the newspaper," says The Patriot News General Manager, Lee Carlson.

There's nothing wrong with the old fashioned way - it's what people are used to.

"I look and see which ones have better deals - to see/decide where I'm gonna wait in line," says shopper Mary Wheeler.

But if you've got the Internet... has the store ads, hot deals, and coupons.

You can shop around from store to store and see who's offering the best deal on - say - the "My little pony radio controlled scootaloo."

For busy parents, this website could be a huge time saver.

"I didn't even know that existed. I would definitely do that," says shopper Jackie Croman.

Lowe's, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Target... we counted 81 stores where you could check out Black Friday ads ahead of time.

The website even tells you what time the store opens on Friday... and it shows the deals that are "going on right now!"

"I think that's a good idea, b/c then you're a step ahead," says Wheeler.

For those of you who still like to kick it "old school" with the newspaper ads, there'll be a chance to win free gas cards in tomorrow morning's Patriot-News.
Copyright 2008 Newport Television LLC All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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